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  Government Documents (Related to the ET and UFO questions)
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NOTE: All links to the 'www.aliensthetruth.com' except where noted as ' [on my site]'

Army Air Force Memo on Roswell and Socorro Discs   [on my site]

British Ministry of Defence - Freedom of Information Requests - UFO Reports 1998-2006 in the UK   [on my site]

Canadian Dept of Transprt & Telecommunications Memo - Geomagnetics and American Flying Saucer Studies   [on my site]

Central Intelligence Agency - Freedom of Information Act - UFO Documents

CIA Prepared Draft of National Security Council Directive Concerning UFOs 1952   [on my site]

Department of Defence Routing and Transmittal Slip - Report of 1976 UFO in Iran  [on my site]

Draft Of Top Secret UFO Memo Now Public   [on my site]

ET Exposure Law  [on my site] Note: I don't know what document this information is from.

Fire Officer's Guide To Disaster Control   [on my site] Note: I don't know what document this information is from.

Groom Lake/Area 51 Security Manual  Not interesting to me

In Camera Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. National Security Agency, October 9, 1980
The affidavit was originally filed by the National Security Agency (NSA) in a 1980 lawsuit to justify the withholding of records on UFOs. It was released in on November 3 in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from researcher Michael Ravnitzky and posted on the web site of the Federation of American Scientists. The document is largely declassified, with numerous sections removed, namely to protect the identity of employees and keep NSA technologies, skills, and foreign connections out of the public eye.
The document has "Top Secret Umbra," the highest, most sensitive category of communications intelligence, stamped on each page. Within the document, there are NSA communications from 1971 between two aircraft and a ground controller discussing a "phenomena" in the sky, as well as radar screen observations, labeling what was viewed as "unidentifiable" objects. There are numerous other intercepted and decrypted reports of bright lights, luminous objects, and unidentified aircraft-along with an elongated balls of fire, scooting through the skies over non-U.S. countries.
[the document on my site]

Majestic 12: Documents and Original Members

Majestic 12: Documents Proven Frauds? and Stanton Friedman's Response

Majestic 12: Special Operations Manual - Extraterrestrial Entit
ies and Technology Recovery and Disposal

NARCAP Report - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena  
Catalog of Military, Airliner, Private Pilots sightings from 1916 to 2000   [document on my site]

PRG's Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton Blocked by Google

Project Blue Book - Part 1: Overview

Project Blue Book - Part 2: Specifics

Project Blue Book - Part 3: History

Project Blue Book - Part 4: Unknowns

Project Grudge/Blue Book Status & Special Reports (All documents courtesy of http://www.bluebookarchive.org.)

Top Secret HQ Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch Report on Roswell UFO Crash

[document on my site]

United Kingdom National Archives UFO Files 1978-2002
rRelated link - http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos/ - (UK Gov national records and information archives)